Source code for pybnb.futures

import copy
import logging
import math

from pybnb.dispatcher import DispatcherQueueData
from pybnb.problem import _ProblemWithSolveInfoCollection

class _RedirectHandler(logging.Handler):
    """Redirects log messages with a WARNING level or above
    to the provided dispatcher's log."""

    def __init__(self, dispatcher):
        super(_RedirectHandler, self).__init__()
        self._dispatcher = dispatcher

    def emit(self, record):
        if logging.WARNING <= record.levelno < logging.ERROR:
        elif logging.ERROR <= record.levelno < logging.CRITICAL:
        elif logging.CRITICAL <= record.levelno:

[docs]class NestedSolver(_ProblemWithSolveInfoCollection): """A class for creating a nested branch-and-bound solve strategy. An instance of this class (wrapped around a standard problem) can be passed to the solver as the problem argument. Parameters ---------- problem : :class:`pybnb.Problem <pybnb.problem.Problem>` An object defining a branch-and-bound problem. node_limit : int, optional The same as the standard solver option, but applied to the nested solver to limit the number of nodes to explore when processing a work item. (default: None) time_limit : float, optional The same as the standard solver option, but applied to the nested solver to limit the amount of time spent processing a work item. (default: 5) queue_limit : int, optional The same as the standard solver option, but applied to the nested solver to limit the size of the queue. (default: None) track_bound : bool, optional The same as the standard solver option, but applied to the nested solver control bound tracking. (default: True) queue_strategy : :class:`QueueStrategy <pybnb.common.QueueStrategy>` or tuple The same as the standard solver option, but applied to the nested solver to control the queue strategy used when processing a work item. (default: 'depth') """ def __init__( self, problem, node_limit=None, time_limit=5, queue_limit=None, track_bound=True, queue_strategy="depth", ): # we import from pybnb.solver here to avoid a # circular import reference from pybnb.solver import Solver self._problem = problem self._node_limit = node_limit self._time_limit = time_limit self._queue_limit = queue_limit self._track_bound = track_bound self._queue_strategy = queue_strategy self._solver = Solver(comm=None) self._log = logging.Logger(None, level=logging.WARNING) self._convergence_checker = None self._best_objective = None self._best_node = None self._current_node = None self._results = None self._queue = None super(NestedSolver, self).__init__() def _initialize(self, dispatcher, best_objective, disable_objective_call): assert best_objective is not None self._best_objective = best_objective self._disable_objective_call = disable_objective_call self._log.addHandler(_RedirectHandler(dispatcher)) def _solve(self): bound_stop = None if not math.isinf(self._best_objective): bound_stop = self._best_objective # shallow copy root = copy.copy(self._current_node) init_queue = DispatcherQueueData( nodes=[root], worst_terminal_bound=None, sense=self._convergence_checker.sense, ) self._results = self._solver.solve( self._problem, best_objective=self._best_objective, best_node=self._best_node, bound_stop=bound_stop, initialize_queue=init_queue, log=self._log, absolute_gap=self._convergence_checker.absolute_gap, relative_gap=self._convergence_checker.relative_gap, scale_function=self._convergence_checker.scale_function, queue_tolerance=self._convergence_checker.queue_tolerance, branch_tolerance=self._convergence_checker.branch_tolerance, comparison_tolerance=self._convergence_checker.comparison_tolerance, objective_stop=self._convergence_checker.objective_stop, disable_objective_call=self._disable_objective_call, node_limit=self._node_limit, time_limit=self._time_limit, queue_limit=self._queue_limit, track_bound=self._track_bound, queue_strategy=self._queue_strategy, disable_signal_handlers=True, ) self._queue = self._solver.save_dispatcher_queue() self._solve_info.add_from(self._solver._global_solve_info) # # Ducktype a partial Problem interface #
[docs] def objective(self): # pragma:nocover """The solver does not call this method when it sees the problem implements a nested solve.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def bound(self): # pragma:nocover """The solver does not call this method when it sees the problem implements a nested solve.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def branch(self): # pragma:nocover """The solver does not call this method when it sees the problem implements a nested solve.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def sense(self): """Calls the sense() method on the user-provided problem.""" return self._problem.sense()
[docs] def save_state(self, node): """Calls the save_state() method on the user-provided problem.""" self._problem.save_state(node)
[docs] def load_state(self, node): """Calls the load_state() method on the user-provided problem and prepares for a nested solve.""" self._problem.load_state(node) self._results = None self._children = None self._current_node = node self._solve_found_best_node = False
[docs] def notify_solve_begins(self, comm, worker_comm, convergence_checker): """Calls the notify_solve_begins() method on the user-provided problem and prepares for a solve.""" self._best_objective = None self._best_node = None self._convergence_checker = convergence_checker self._current_node = None self._results = None self._queue = None self._problem.notify_solve_begins(comm, worker_comm, convergence_checker)
[docs] def notify_new_best_node(self, node, current): """Calls the notify_new_best_node() method on the user-provided problem and stores the best node for use in the next nested solve.""" self._best_objective = self._convergence_checker.best_objective( self._best_objective, node.objective ) self._best_node = node self._problem.notify_new_best_node(node, current)
[docs] def notify_solve_finished(self, comm, worker_comm, results): """Calls the notify_solve_finished() method on the user-provided problem and does some final cleanup.""" while len(self._log.handlers) > 0: self._log.removeHandler(self._log.handlers[0]) self._problem.notify_solve_finished(comm, worker_comm, results)