Source code for pybnb.common

Basic definitions and utilities.

Copyright by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (

import enum

minimize = 1
"""The objective sense defining a minimization problem."""

maximize = -1
"""The objective sense defining a maximization problem."""

inf = float("inf")
"""A floating point constant set to ``float('inf')``."""

nan = float("nan")
"""A floating point constant set to ``float('nan')``."""

[docs]@enum.unique class QueueStrategy(str, enum.Enum): """Strategies for prioritizing nodes in the central dispatcher queue. For all strategies, ties are broken by insertion order.""" bound = "bound" """The node with the worst bound is always selected next.""" objective = "objective" """The node with the best objective is always selected next.""" breadth = "breadth" """The node with the smallest tree depth is always selected next (i.e., breadth-first search).""" depth = "depth" """The node with the largest tree depth is always selected next (i.e., depth-first search).""" local_gap = "local_gap" """The node with the largest gap between its local objective and bound is always selected next.""" fifo = "fifo" """Nodes are served in first-in, first-out order.""" lifo = "lifo" """Nodes are served in last-in, first-out order.""" random = "random" """Nodes are assigned a random priority before entering the queue.""" custom = "custom" """The node with the largest value stored in the :attr:`queue_priority <pybnb.node.Node.queue_priority>` attribute is always selected next. Users are expected to assign a priority to all nodes returned from the :func:`branch <pybnb.problem.Problem.branch>` method on their problem."""
_queue_strategy_to_int = {} _int_to_queue_strategy = [] for _i, _val in enumerate(sorted(QueueStrategy, key=lambda v: v.value)): _queue_strategy_to_int[_val] = _i _int_to_queue_strategy.append(_val) del _i del _val
[docs]@enum.unique class SolutionStatus(str, enum.Enum): """Possible values assigned to the :attr:`solution_status` attribute of a :class:`SolverResults <pybnb.solver_results.SolverResults>` object returned from a solve.""" optimal = "optimal" """Indicates that the best objective is finite and close enough to the global bound to satisfy the optimality tolerances used for the solve.""" feasible = "feasible" """Indicates that the best objective is finite but not close enough to the global bound to satisfy the optimality tolerances used for the solve.""" infeasible = "infeasible" """Indicates that both the best objective and global bound are equal to the infeasible objective value (+inf or -inf depending on the sense).""" unbounded = "unbounded" """Indicates that both the best objective and global bound are equal to the unbounded objective value (+inf or -inf depending on the sense).""" invalid = "invalid" """Indicates that the global bound is not a valid bound on the best objective found. This may be due to an ill-defined problem or other numerical issues.""" unknown = "unknown" """Indicates that the global bound is finite, but no feasible (finite) objective was found."""
_solution_status_to_int = {} _int_to_solution_status = [] for _i, _val in enumerate(sorted(SolutionStatus, key=lambda v: v.value)): _solution_status_to_int[_val] = _i _int_to_solution_status.append(_val) del _i del _val
[docs]@enum.unique class TerminationCondition(str, enum.Enum): """Possible values assigned to the :attr:`termination_condition` attribute of a :class:`SolverResults <pybnb.solver_results.SolverResults>` object returned from a solve.""" optimality = "optimality" """The dispatcher terminated the solve based on optimality criteria.""" objective_limit = "objective_limit" """The dispatcher terminated the solve based on the user-supplied limit on the objective or bound being satisfied.""" node_limit = "node_limit" """The dispatcher terminated the solve due to the user-supplied explored node limit being surpassed.""" time_limit = "time_limit" """The dispatcher terminated the solve due to the user-supplied time limit being surpassed.""" queue_empty = "queue_empty" """The dispatcher terminated the solve due to the node queue becoming empty.""" queue_limit = "queue_limit" """The dispatcher terminated the solve due to the user-supplied queue size limit being exceeded.""" interrupted = "interrupted" """Solve termination was initiated by SIGINT or SIGUSR signal event."""
_termination_condition_to_int = {} _int_to_termination_condition = [] for _i, _val in enumerate(sorted(TerminationCondition, key=lambda v: v.value)): _termination_condition_to_int[_val] = _i _int_to_termination_condition.append(_val) del _i del _val