Source code for pybnb.configuration

Configuration settings for node serialization.

Copyright by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (
import os
import platform
import pickle

from pybnb import __version__

[docs]class Configuration(object): """The main configuration object. Attributes ---------- SERIALIZER : str, {'pickle', 'dill'} The name of serialization module used to transmit node state. (default: "pickle") SERIALIZER_PROTOCOL_VERSION : int The protocol argument passed to the `dumps` function of the selected serialization module. (default: pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) COMPRESSION : bool Indicates whether or not to compress the serialized node state using zlib. (default: False) MARSHAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION : int The version argument passed to the :func:`marshal.dumps` function. (default: 2) """ __slots__ = ("SERIALIZER", "SERIALIZER_PROTOCOL_VERSION", "COMPRESSION", "MARSHAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION") def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, use_environment=True): """Reset the configuration to default settings. Parameters ---------- use_environment : bool, optional Controls whether or not to check for environment variables to overwrite the default settings. (default: True) """ self.SERIALIZER = "pickle" self.SERIALIZER_PROTOCOL_VERSION = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL self.COMPRESSION = False self.MARSHAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2 if use_environment: # process environment variables prefix = "PYBNB_" for symbol in self.__slots__: if prefix+symbol in os.environ: default = getattr(self, symbol) value = os.environ[prefix+symbol] if symbol == "COMPRESSION": if value in ("0", "off","Off","OFF", "no","No","NO", "false","False","FALSE"): value = False elif value in ("1", "on","On","ON", "yes","Yes","YES", "true","True","TRUE"): value = True else: raise ValueError( "invalid boolean value: %s%s=%s" % (prefix, symbol, value)) else: value = type(default)(value) setattr(self, symbol, value)
def __str__(self): out = "pybnb version: %s\n" % __version__ out += ("loaded from: %s\n" % (os.path.dirname(__file__))) out += ("python version: %s %s (%s, %s)\n" % (platform.python_implementation(), platform.python_version(), platform.system(), out += "configuration:" for key in self.__slots__: out += ("\n - %s: %s" % (key, getattr(self, key))) return out
config = Configuration() if __name__ == "__main__": #pragma:nocover print(config)