Source code for pybnb.dispatcher_proxy

A proxy interface to the central dispatcher that is used by
branch-and-bound workers.

Copyright by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (
import array
import collections
import marshal

from pybnb.configuration import config
from pybnb.common import _int_to_termination_condition
from pybnb.node import _SerializedNode
from pybnb.problem import _SolveInfo
from pybnb.mpi_utils import (send_nothing,

    import mpi4py
except ImportError:                               #pragma:nocover

import six

_ProcessType = collections.namedtuple(
ProcessType = _ProcessType(
    worker     = 0,
    dispatcher = 1)
"""A namespace of typecodes that are used to categorize
processes during dispatcher startup."""

_DispatcherAction = collections.namedtuple(

DispatcherAction = _DispatcherAction(
    update                    = 111,
    finalize                  = 211,
    log_info                  = 311,
    log_warning               = 411,
    log_debug                 = 511,
    log_error                 = 611,
    log_critical              = 711,
    stop_listen               = 811)
"""A namespace of typecodes that are used to categorize
messages received by the dispatcher from workers."""

_DispatcherResponse = collections.namedtuple(
DispatcherResponse = _DispatcherResponse(
    work             = 1111,
    nowork           = 2111)
"""A namespace of typecodes that are used to categorize
responses received by workers from the dispatcher."""

[docs]class DispatcherProxy(object): """A proxy class for interacting with the central dispatcher via message passing.""" @staticmethod def _init(comm, ptype): """Broadcasts the dispatcher rank to everyone and sets up a worker communicator that excludes the single dispatcher.""" import mpi4py.MPI assert mpi4py.MPI.Is_initialized() assert len(ProcessType) == 2 assert ProcessType.dispatcher == 1 assert ProcessType.worker == 0 assert ptype in ProcessType ptype_, dispatcher_rank = comm.allreduce( sendobj=(ptype, comm.rank), op=mpi4py.MPI.MAXLOC) assert ptype_ == ProcessType.dispatcher color = None if ptype == ProcessType.dispatcher: assert dispatcher_rank == comm.rank color = 1 else: assert dispatcher_rank != comm.rank color = 0 assert color is not None worker_comm = comm.Split(color) if color == 1: worker_comm.Free() return dispatcher_rank else: return dispatcher_rank, worker_comm def __init__(self, comm): import mpi4py.MPI assert mpi4py.MPI.Is_initialized() self.comm = comm self.worker_comm = None self._status = mpi4py.MPI.Status() (self.dispatcher_rank, self.worker_comm) = self._init(comm, ProcessType.worker) def __del__(self): if self.worker_comm is not None: self.worker_comm.Free() self.worker_comm = None
[docs] def update(self, best_objective, best_node, previous_bound, solve_info, node_list_): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.update`.""" if best_node is not None: best_node = _SerializedNode.to_slots(best_node) node_list = [] for node_ in node_list_: # make sure the user-defined queue_priority # can be safely marshaled assert (node_.queue_priority is None) or \ node_.queue_priority == marshal.loads( marshal.dumps(node_.queue_priority, config.MARSHAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION)) node_list.append(_SerializedNode.to_slots(node_)) data = marshal.dumps((best_objective, best_node, previous_bound,, node_list), config.MARSHAL_PROTOCOL_VERSION) self.comm.Send([data,mpi4py.MPI.BYTE], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.update) self.comm.Probe(status=self._status) assert not self._status.Get_error() tag = self._status.Get_tag() recv_size = self._status.Get_count(mpi4py.MPI.BYTE) data = bytearray(recv_size) recv_data(self.comm, self._status, datatype=mpi4py.MPI.BYTE, out=data) if tag == DispatcherResponse.nowork: if six.PY2: data_ = str(data) else: data_ = data (best_objective, best_node_slots, global_bound, termination_condition_int, solve_info_data) = marshal.loads(data_) best_node = None if best_node_slots is not None: best_node = _SerializedNode.restore_node( best_node_slots) solve_info = _SolveInfo() = array.array('d',solve_info_data) return (True, best_objective, best_node, (global_bound, _int_to_termination_condition[ termination_condition_int], solve_info)) else: assert tag == if six.PY2: data_ = str(data) else: data_ = data (best_objective, best_node_slots, node_slots) = marshal.loads(data_) best_node = None if best_node_slots is not None: best_node = _SerializedNode.restore_node( best_node_slots) node = _SerializedNode.restore_node(node_slots) return False, best_objective, best_node, node
[docs] def log_info(self, msg): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.log_info`.""" self.comm.Ssend([msg.encode("utf8"),mpi4py.MPI.CHAR], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.log_info)
[docs] def log_warning(self, msg): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.log_warning`.""" self.comm.Ssend([msg.encode("utf8"),mpi4py.MPI.CHAR], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.log_warning)
[docs] def log_debug(self, msg): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.log_debug`.""" self.comm.Ssend([msg.encode("utf8"),mpi4py.MPI.CHAR], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.log_debug)
[docs] def log_error(self, msg): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.log_error`.""" self.comm.Ssend([msg.encode("utf8"),mpi4py.MPI.CHAR], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.log_error)
[docs] def log_critical(self, msg): """A proxy to :func:`pybnb.dispatcher.Dispatcher.log_critical`.""" self.comm.Ssend([msg.encode("utf8"),mpi4py.MPI.CHAR], self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.log_critical)
[docs] def stop_listen(self): """Tell the dispatcher to abruptly stop the listen loop.""" assert self.worker_comm.rank == 0 send_nothing(self.comm, self.dispatcher_rank, tag=DispatcherAction.stop_listen)