Source code for pybnb.priority_queue

A collection of priority queue implementations that can be
used by the dispatcher.

Copyright by Gabriel A. Hackebeil (
import random
import collections
import heapq
import math

from pybnb.common import (minimize,

from sortedcontainers import SortedList
import six

class _NoThreadingMaxPriorityFirstQueue(object):
    """A simple priority queue implementation that is not
    thread safe. When the queue is not empty, the item with
    the highest priority is next.

    This queue implementation is not allowed to store None.
    requires_priority = True

    def __init__(self):
        self._count = 0
        self._heap = []

    def _negate(self, priority):
        if hasattr(priority, '__neg__'):
            return -priority
            return tuple(-v for v in priority)

    def size(self):
        """Returns the size of the queue."""
        return len(self._heap)

    def put(self, item, priority, _push_=heapq.heappush):
        """Puts an item into the queue with the given
        priority. Items placed in the queue may not be
        None. This method returns a unique counter associated
        with each put."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        _push_(self._heap, (self._negate(priority), cnt, item))
        return cnt

    def get(self, _pop_=heapq.heappop):
        """Removes and returns the highest priority item in
        the queue, where ties are broken by the order items
        were placed in the queue. If the queue is empty,
        returns None."""
        if len(self._heap) > 0:
            return _pop_(self._heap)[2]
            return None

    def put_get(self, item, priority, _push_pop_=heapq.heappushpop):
        """Combines a put and get call, which can be more
        efficient than two separate put and get
        calls. Returns a tuple containing the put and get
        return values."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        if len(self._heap) > 0:
            item_ = _push_pop_(self._heap,
                               (self._negate(priority), cnt, item))[2]
            return cnt, item_
            return cnt, item

    def next(self):
        """Returns, without modifying the queue, a tuple of
        the form (cnt, item), where item is highest priority
        entry in the queue and cnt is the unique counter
        assigned to it when it was added to the queue.

            If the queue is empty.
            return self._heap[0][1:]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("The queue is empty")

    def filter(self, func, include_counters=False):
        """Removes items from the queue for which
        `func(item)` returns False. The list of items
        removed is returned. If `include_counters` is set to
        True, values in the returned list will have the form
        (cnt, item), where cnt is a unique counter that was
        created for the item when it was added to the
        heap_new = []
        removed = []
        for priority, cnt, item in self._heap:
            if func(item):
                heap_new.append((priority, cnt, item))
            elif not include_counters:
        self._heap = heap_new
        return removed

    def items(self):
        """Iterates over the queued items in arbitrary order
        without modifying the queue."""
        for _,_,item in self._heap:
            yield item

class _NoThreadingFIFOQueue(object):
    """A simple first-in, first-out queue implementation
    that is not thread safe.

    This queue implementation is not allowed to store None.
    requires_priority = False

    def __init__(self):
        self._count = 0
        self._deque = collections.deque()

    def size(self):
        """Returns the size of the queue."""
        return len(self._deque)

    def put(self, item):
        """Puts an item into the queue. Items placed in the
        queue may not be None. This method returns a unique
        counter associated with each put."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        self._deque.append((cnt, item))
        return cnt

    def get(self):
        """Removes and returns the next item in the
        queue. If the queue is empty, returns None."""
        if len(self._deque) > 0:
            return self._deque.popleft()[1]
            return None

    def put_get(self, item):
        """Combines a put and get call, which can be more
        efficient than two separate put and get
        calls. Returns a tuple containing the put and get
        return values."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        if len(self._deque) > 0:
            return_item = self._deque[-1][1]
            self._deque[-1] = (cnt, item)
            return cnt, return_item
            return cnt, item

    def next(self):
        """Returns, without modifying the queue, a tuple of
        the form (cnt, item), where item is highest priority
        entry in the queue and cnt is the unique counter
        assigned to it when it was added to the queue.

            If the queue is empty.
            return self._deque[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("The queue is empty")

    def filter(self, func, include_counters=False):
        """Removes items from the queue for which
        `func(item)` returns False. The list of items
        removed is returned. If `include_counters` is set to
        True, values in the returned list will have the form
        (cnt, item), where cnt is a unique counter that was
        created for the item when it was added to the
        deque_new = collections.deque()
        removed = []
        for cnt, item in self._deque:
            if func(item):
                deque_new.append((cnt, item))
            elif not include_counters:
        self._deque = deque_new
        return removed

    def items(self):
        """Iterates over the queued items in arbitrary order
        without modifying the queue."""
        for _,item in self._deque:
            yield item

class _NoThreadingLIFOQueue(object):
    """A simple last-in, first-out queue implementation
    that is not thread safe.

    This queue implementation is not allowed to store None.
    requires_priority = False

    def __init__(self):
        self._count = 0
        self._items = []

    def size(self):
        """Returns the size of the queue."""
        return len(self._items)

    def put(self, item):
        """Puts an item into the queue. Items placed in the
        queue may not be None. This method returns a unique
        counter associated with each put."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        self._items.append((cnt, item))
        return cnt

    def get(self):
        """Removes and returns the next item in the
        queue. If the queue is empty, returns None."""
        if len(self._items) > 0:
            return self._items.pop()[1]
            return None

    def put_get(self, item):
        """Combines a put and get call, which can be more
        efficient than two separate put and get
        calls. Returns a tuple containing the put and get
        return values."""
        if item is None:
            raise ValueError("queue item can not be None")
        cnt = self._count
        self._count += 1
        return cnt, item

    def next(self):
        """Returns, without modifying the queue, a tuple of
        the form (cnt, item), where item is highest priority
        entry in the queue and cnt is the unique counter
        assigned to it when it was added to the queue.

            If the queue is empty.
            return self._items[-1]
        except IndexError:
            raise IndexError("The queue is empty")

    def filter(self, func, include_counters=False):
        """Removes items from the queue for which
        `func(item)` returns False. The list of items
        removed is returned. If `include_counters` is set to
        True, values in the returned list will have the form
        (cnt, item), where cnt is a unique counter that was
        created for the item when it was added to the
        items_new = []
        removed = []
        for cnt, item in self._items:
            if func(item):
                items_new.append((cnt, item))
            elif not include_counters:
        self._items = items_new
        return removed

    def items(self):
        """Iterates over the queued items in arbitrary order
        without modifying the queue."""
        for _,item in self._items:
            yield item

[docs]class IPriorityQueue(object): """The abstract interface for priority queues that store node data for the dispatcher."""
[docs] def size(self): #pragma:nocover """Returns the size of the queue.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def put(self, node): #pragma:nocover """Puts an node in the queue, possibly updating the value of :attr:`queue_priority <pybnb.node.Node.queue_priority>`, depending on the queue implementation. This method returns a unique counter associated with each put.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get(self): #pragma:nocover """Returns the next node in the queue. If the queue is empty, returns None.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def bound(self): #pragma:nocover """Returns the weakest bound of all nodes in the queue. If the queue is empty, returns None.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def filter(self, func): #pragma:nocover """Removes nodes from the queue for which `func(node)` returns False. The list of nodes removed is returned. If the queue is empty or no nodes are removed, the returned list will be empty.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def items(self): #pragma:nocover """Iterates over the queued nodes in arbitrary order without modifying the queue.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class WorstBoundFirstPriorityQueue(IPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes with the worst bound first. Parameters ---------- sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. track_bound : bool Indicates whether or not to track the global queue bound. Note that this particular queue implementation always tracks the global bound. This argument is ignored. """ def __init__(self, sense, track_bound): assert sense in (minimize, maximize) self._sense = sense self._queue = _NoThreadingMaxPriorityFirstQueue() @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): bound = node.bound assert not math.isnan(bound) if sense == minimize: return -bound else: assert sense == maximize return bound
[docs] def size(self): return self._queue.size()
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(node, self._sense, None) return self._queue.put(node, node.queue_priority)
[docs] def get(self): return self._queue.get()
[docs] def bound(self): try: return[1].bound except IndexError: return None
[docs] def filter(self, func): return self._queue.filter(func)
[docs] def items(self): return self._queue.items()
[docs]class CustomPriorityQueue(IPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that can handle custom node priorities. It uses an additional data structure to reduce the amount of time it takes to compute a queue bound. Parameters ---------- sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. track_bound : bool Indicates whether or not to track the global queue bound. """ def __init__(self, sense, track_bound, _queue_type_=_NoThreadingMaxPriorityFirstQueue): assert sense in (minimize, maximize) self._sense = sense self._queue = _queue_type_() self._sorted_by_bound = None if track_bound: self._sorted_by_bound = SortedList()
[docs] def size(self): return self._queue.size()
[docs] def put(self, node): if self._queue.requires_priority: priority = node.queue_priority if priority is None: raise ValueError("A node queue priority is required") cnt = self._queue.put(node, priority) else: cnt = self._queue.put(node) if self._sorted_by_bound is not None: bound = node.bound assert not math.isnan(bound) if self._sense == maximize: self._sorted_by_bound.add((-bound, cnt, node)) else: self._sorted_by_bound.add((bound, cnt, node)) return cnt
[docs] def get(self): if self._queue.size() > 0: cnt, tmp_ = assert type(cnt) is int node = self._queue.get() assert tmp_ is node if self._sorted_by_bound is not None: bound = node.bound if self._sense == maximize: self._sorted_by_bound.remove((-bound, cnt, node)) else: self._sorted_by_bound.remove((bound, cnt, node)) return node else: return None
[docs] def bound(self): if self._sorted_by_bound is not None: try: return self._sorted_by_bound[0][2].bound except IndexError: return None else: if self.size() > 0: if self._sense == maximize: return inf else: return -inf else: return None
[docs] def filter(self, func): removed = [] if self._sorted_by_bound is not None: for cnt, node in self._queue.filter( func, include_counters=True): removed.append(node) bound = node.bound if self._sense == maximize: self._sorted_by_bound.remove((-bound, cnt, node)) else: self._sorted_by_bound.remove((bound, cnt, node)) else: for cnt, node in self._queue.filter( func, include_counters=True): removed.append(node) return removed
[docs] def items(self): return self._queue.items()
[docs]class BestObjectiveFirstPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes with the best objective first. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): objective = node.objective assert not math.isnan(objective) if sense == minimize: return -objective else: assert sense == maximize return objective
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(node, self._sense, None) return super(BestObjectiveFirstPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]class BreadthFirstPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes in breadth-first order. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): assert node.tree_depth >= 0 return -node.tree_depth
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(node, None, None) return super(BreadthFirstPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]class DepthFirstPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes in depth-first order. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): assert node.tree_depth >= 0 return node.tree_depth
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(node, None, None) return super(DepthFirstPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]class FIFOQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes in first-in, first-out order. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ def __init__(self, sense, track_bound): super(FIFOQueue, self).__init__( sense, track_bound, _queue_type_=_NoThreadingFIFOQueue) @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): return -queue._count
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(None, None, self._queue) cnt = super(FIFOQueue, self).put(node) assert node.queue_priority == -cnt return cnt
[docs]class LIFOQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes in last-in, first-out order. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ def __init__(self, sense, track_bound): super(LIFOQueue, self).__init__( sense, track_bound, _queue_type_=_NoThreadingLIFOQueue) @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): return queue._count
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(None, None, self._queue) cnt = super(LIFOQueue, self).put(node) assert node.queue_priority == cnt return cnt
[docs]class RandomPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that assigns a random priority to each incoming node. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): return random.random()
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(None,None,None) return super(RandomPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]class LocalGapPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes with the largest gap between the local objective and bound first. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ @staticmethod def generate_priority(node, sense, queue): objective = node.objective bound = node.bound if sense == minimize: gap = objective - bound else: assert sense == maximize gap = bound - objective assert not math.isnan(gap) return gap
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self.generate_priority(node, self._sense, None) return super(LocalGapPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]class LexicographicPriorityQueue(CustomPriorityQueue): """A priority queue implementation that serves nodes with the largest gap between the local objective and bound first. sense : {:obj:`minimize <pybnb.common.minimize>`, :obj:`maximize <pybnb.common.maximize>`} The objective sense for the problem. """ def __init__(self, queue_types, sense, track_bound): self._queue_types = tuple(queue_types) assert len(self._queue_types) super(LexicographicPriorityQueue, self).__init__(sense, track_bound) def _generate_priority(self, node): return tuple(qt.generate_priority(node, self._sense, self._queue) for qt in self._queue_types)
[docs] def put(self, node): node.queue_priority = self._generate_priority(node) return super(LexicographicPriorityQueue, self).put(node)
[docs]def PriorityQueueFactory(name, *args, **kwds): """Returns a new instance of the priority queue type registered under the given name.""" if isinstance(name, six.string_types): if name not in PriorityQueueFactory._types: raise ValueError("invalid queue type: %s" % (name)) return PriorityQueueFactory._types[name](*args, **kwds) else: names = [] for n_ in name: if n_ not in PriorityQueueFactory._types: raise ValueError("invalid queue type: %s" % (n_)) if n_ == 'custom': raise ValueError("'custom' queue type not " "allowed when defining a " "lexicographic queue strategy") names.append(PriorityQueueFactory._types[n_]) if len(names) == 0: raise ValueError("Can not define lexicographic queue " "strategy with empty list") return LexicographicPriorityQueue(names, *args, **kwds)
PriorityQueueFactory._types = {}
[docs]def register_queue_type(name, cls): """Registers a new priority queue class with the PriorityQueueFactory.""" if (name in PriorityQueueFactory._types) and \ (PriorityQueueFactory._types[name] is not cls): raise ValueError( "The name '%s' has already been registered" "for priority queue type '%s'" % (name, cls)) PriorityQueueFactory._types[name] = cls
register_queue_type('bound', WorstBoundFirstPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('custom', CustomPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('objective', BestObjectiveFirstPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('breadth', BreadthFirstPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('depth', DepthFirstPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('fifo', FIFOQueue) register_queue_type('lifo', LIFOQueue) register_queue_type('random', RandomPriorityQueue) register_queue_type('local_gap', LocalGapPriorityQueue)